These days, I several times see articles as well as an "Insight" program on "Should Ethics class be added to the school curriculum for the kids who are not doing RE?" Some parents demand their children's school to do this. However, it makes me think, why did those parents send their kids to these religious schools anyway? I mean, the founder of the school must have had a vision on why he/she made the school, and maybe it is to provide a school environment where children of the same religion can learn both general education as well as more about their religion. However, it is the parents choice to enrol the kids or not, and when the kids grow up, it will be the kids choice to believe it or not anyway. Parents have lots of school choices, so why send the kid there if they don't agree to the RE classes?
Another thing I've been thinking about is, some people say "Wars are caused by religion. If there were no religion, there would be no wars." Hm............. What do you guys think? I understand religion has been used numerous times as excuses for wars, but is it really because of religion? I think it's more like because it is our human nature to be competitive and to try "correct" others the way we want them to be. Wars are also started because of greed and hunger for power. For example, World War I and II, some of the biggest wars in the history of the world. Were they caused by religion? I don't think so.
What do you think?