Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The :( of studying pharmacy

Becoming a pharmacist. It seems like a good idea! I get to help people, the job is not that tiring, all you need to lift are medicine boxes and popping the pills xD. The pay is okay. You learn heaps about health conditions and how to manage them (can be handy for yourself or ur family):D. And it seems like a relaxing job.

However, with these comes a great responsibility. Basically you're in charge of the medications you give out to people. If you made a mistake, best case scenario is that you get complained at, worst case scenario is that you may cause other people harm or even worse, it might kill them.

As I progress through the course, I get why they make it so hard. We might not necessarily use ALL the stuff that we learn in the course when working as, for example, a community pharmacist. However, the load of work you get in the course would teach you to commit a lot of things into memory, train you to think fast and accurately perform tasks.

Even though I'm quite appreciative of all that, I'm kinda struggling studying pharmacy here :S I failed a unit in first year.. Miraculously pass all my other units after that.. But I'm still struggling and working my ass off to pass all my units!
I haven't even mention the amount of social time I've cut off from my life T.T

The stuff are hard.. At least they're quite interesting. But then ~90% is about memorising stuff, which means that I have to regularly study them so that it sticks in my mind. The thing is, it's kinda hard to study.
I wonder how a lot of people, especially other pharmacy students can do it. They can just spend a full 5 hours or more of study, productively! Whereas me, only sometimes I can do that. Usually it'd be like 1 hour productive study, and then 4 hours break, 3 hours half study half daydreaming, and so on..

1 hour. productive. study.


Sometimes I wish I could study better.......


PS: the totoro sandwich is so cute!

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