Sunday, December 26, 2010

a blogger's block

That is what I think is happening to me nowadays. I notice that I generally write a lot when I am stressed or when I am stressed and then got inspired by something which help me to cope with it. However, these days haven't been particularly stressful. Holidays is just a relaxing part of life.. No exam and study stress mainly..
Sometimes ideas come up on what I want to share in the blog, but then forgotten afterwards lols..
So, sorry about that.. and will try to write when I have a stressful situation next time hahah...
Oh, and also, talking about the previous post, I just remembered that I used to work for Chooks and Kmart as well.. And Chooks teach me several things as well.. But Kmart, not really lols.. maybe will talk about it one day..  For now... Have a good holiday everyone! And I shall be lonely for new years because my siblings are in exmouth, mum is in indo, and shawn will be in singapore at that time... fun. hahahh.. shud be allrite :)

Oh! and me and my friends watched this christmas lights last Thursday! It's the best christmas lights ive ever seen in my life!!! So awesome!!!! I thought the youtube video was edited, but when I went it's actually like this.. except with lots of ppl watching and occasional fake snow coming out of a machine :D Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Aww so you decided not to go to Exmouth? Aww it's okay, my New Years is going to be boring and uneventful too...just staying at home most probably haha.

MOnster a.k.a monica said...

yahh.. too hard to get someone to replace my shifts so....
hahahah at least u got ur fam and bro though.. it's only gonna be me, my dad, and grandma, and shaki ahahha