Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God works in His mysterious ways

It's 3:57AM now and I can't sleep. Aside from that, I got a story to tell!

Pharmacy is a constant struggle for me. The study load is just crazy, at least for someone with an average brain like me. As a lot of you know, I failed the Human Biology unit in my FIRST semester in my FIRST year of uni. Since then, I had only done 3 or 4 units each semester instead of the full 5 units. Nevertheless, I still found it really hard and I have to pretty much nerd it out every semester in order to pass the units.

Failing in a first year of uni is definitely one of the most disappointing things in life! Especially if it means I get left behind by 1 whole year compared to my peers, not just 1 semester! However, this allowed me to study crazy hard on just 3 or 4 units instead of 5. The result is, better marks than just a pass :) It also encouraged me to study harder, instead of slacking off like I did in first year.

So thank God that I failed Human Bio in first year coz I just got a letter from the School of Pharmacy with an enclosed invitation to a Prize Giving Ceremony for a "succesful academic year in 2011". Couldn't have done it without failing Human Bio haha.

The dress code is lounge suit.. What do I wear to that?? And I'm sorta nervous cos apparently academic and key industry stakeholders will be in attendance. And I'm not good with talking in large groups and approaching new people (especially if they are super-important people!). So good luck Mon! Hope it will be a worthwhile night!

PS: don't worry if things seem to go reallyyyyyy crappy. Everything do happen for different reasons. Good reasons! :)

And if you ever want to give up, observe this picture. DON'T! :)

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