Thursday, July 14, 2011

New semester, new job!

Today was my 2nd day on my new job at the pharmacy (praising God for the new job!). I quite like this pharmacy because the owners and workers are nice, and the pharmacist allowed me to make Upton's Paste today! :D For those who don't know, this is a really thick cream that contains ingredients to get rid of warts.It was so hard cos the paste was so sticky and I had to triturate it using metal spatulas (the spatulas are the same as the one chefs use to work with melted chocolate btw hehe). At the end of it, my wrists ache so bad! But you know the saddest thing?? I had to use this ANCIENT scales to weigh out the ingredients(see picture below)!! It was so hard to use, and I had to use measured weight on one side, and then weight the powders on the other side. It was funny though cos they only had 0.1g and 0.2g so I couldn't measure the 0.5g properly. The pharmacist told me to just add a lil bit extra. So, unlike the scales we used at uni (accurate to 3 decimal points), I'm measuring using this probably not very accurate scales! Ancient too! Did I tell you, one of the weights are still in "ounce"??

So anyways, even though it was sad to leave the previous pharmacy behind, this pharmacy is better in a lot of ways. New owners, new customers, new company and new stuff to learn.I'm thankful for the previous pharmacy to teach me about a lot of things though, otherwise I'd be the clueless one in this pharmacy! Currently I'm still on a 2 months probation, so we'll see in 2 months if I'll be working there permanently or not :)


Cass said...

Yay that's good you're liking your new workplace. Lol those scales are really old school...they're too cheapo to buy new ones? :P

MOnster a.k.a monica said...

im guessing haha! apparently they only recently took over the pharmacy though.. so maybe not yet?

CHINK said...

congrats mon for ur new job! ;)

monica said...
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MOnster a.k.a monica said...

ty cingggg :D