Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Money doesn't buy happiness"

Oh that cliché! Haven't we all heard of it? A lot of people somewhat disagree, but I couldn't agree more :)

People would then add statements like "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys THINGS to MAKE you happy" or "Whoever said money doesn't make you happy, obviously doesn't know where to shop" xD

Well truth is, those are all somewhat true. And money really is important in our lives. But even if you had an unlimited amount of money, can you really be truly happy?

Okay, imagine this scenario. You just got your week's pay yesterday, you were so happy that you can finally buy that dress you've always wanted! But then, now that you've bought that dress.. Are you truly satisfied and happy? I don't think so, I'm sure you would think of thousands of other things you wish you could buy, and would soon start saving up from your work money to buy other stuff after you get bored of that dress! So the statement above to me sounds more like: "Money doesn't buy you happiness, but it buys THINGS to MAKE you happy TEMPORARILY"

I believe that true happiness comes from being content and grateful. When you start to be thankful of your life, you'll be happy because you feel blessed with all these things that you already have. I know this because I grew up in Indonesia with my maids and babysitters. They were not that well off, and they had so much less money than my family, but then they were not like SAD. They were just content, thankful that they have a job, thankful that they can earn money for their families back home, thankful that they have a house to live in, thankful that they're not out there in the streets as beggars! They always seem so happy and me and my sister love to play with their kids and just chilling out at the back with our maids..

In contrast, in a general view, there are a lot of celebrities who are just filthy rich, but they end up in jails, getting drunk, got involved with drugs, in and out of rehabs, and numerous love scandals. Celebrity splits are not rare and those who remain married are so rare these days. Would that be called a happy life? Are they any happier than me, you, my maids back in indo, or those hobos on the streets?

I'll leave you to decide :)


"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumblebee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." - Ashley Smith
 "Let us acknowledge all good, all delight that the world holds, and be content." - George MacDonald
"To have everything is happiness. All the things I already have is everything to me. Therefore, I have everything already." - Forgot where I heard it from :)


CHINK said...

LOVE IT, mon! haha.. "money doesnt buy u happiness but it buys things to make you happy temporarily." Haha ini blog lu menyadarkan gw bgt loh coz gw suka ga bs save money and malah buy things to make me happy temporarily, padahal i dont need those things, i just wanna have those things without any important reasons. hahhaa thanks mon!

MOnster a.k.a monica said...

hehe glad it helps uuu :) thx!

Agustina Lestari said...

couldnt more agree :)